
From Tamp Benchmarking
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Table summarizing some features we want to test. To be refined or extended.

Features Pb 1 Pb 2 Pb 3 Pb 4 Pb 5 Discussed in
blocking objects X X bench. sugg. 3
large task spaces X X bench. sugg. 3, diff. pb. inst.
narrow passages bench. sugg. 3, diff. pb. inst.
infeasible task operators x X bench. sugg. 3, diff. pb. inst.
trade-off motion planning/task planning X diff. pb. inst.
non-monotonicity X X bench. sugg. 4
requires actions beyond movement Sidd. comment 4
NAMO  ? X X X Sidd. comment 4

Problem 1 : Tower of Hanoi

problem 1 problem 1 problem 1


Tower of Hanoi with mobile robots[1].


For n discs, 2n - 1 moves are needed (in the non-geometric case).
Placing a disk on the central rod may prevent, depending on their relative sizes, to transfer discs from rod 1 to rod 3 (or vice versa).
The problem has been adapted to a humanoid robot setup. The idea is to have similar geometric constraints by setting the positions of the rods in a triangular shape and by using "thick" discs, in order to cause collisions between forearms and discs.


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Problem 2 : Blocks-World 3D

problem 2


Using top-grasps only, and not using hand-over, stack the blocks in alphabetical order anywhere (on the table, or on one of the trays).
With a PR2 robot, the flying obstacle would be lower.


Because of the "hovering obstacle", the pile cannot be built on the table.
Because of the "hovering obstacle", no more than 2 blocks can be stacked on the table (then the wrist touches the obstacle).
Whether the red or blue tray is chosen as location for building the pile, both initial piles need to be unstacked somewhere, somewhere reachable by both arms: R.
R is limited in size, and no more than 2 blocks can be stacked in this region, so there is a trade-off between:

  • a short symbolic plan with a cluttered R
  • a long symbolic plan with manageable R

Here is an example of solution.


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Problem 3 : Sorting Objects

problem 4


The goal constraints are that all 7 blue blocks must be on the left table and all 7 green blocks must be on the right table. There are also 14 red blocks.


The close proximity of the blocks forces the planner to carefully order its operations as well as to move red blocks out of the way.

Problem 4 : Non-Monotonic

problem 5


The robot must move the green blocks from the left table to a corresponding position on the right table. Both the initial and goal poses are blocked by four blue and cyan blocks respectively.


Critically, the blue and cyan blocks have goal conditions to remain in their initial poses. This is the source of the nonmonotonicity as the robot must undo several goals by moving the blue and cyan blocks in order to solve the problem.

Problem 5 : Kitchen

problem 5



Problem 6 : Rearrangement Planning (replaced by problem 3)

problem 3


The goal is to exchange the positions (i.e., the centre of objects) of the red object and the tray.


One of the two objects has to be moved first to a temporary location. This may require to move other objects around, carefully choosing places that do not interfere.

The rearrangement planning problem [2] [3].


  1. S. Cambon, R. Alami, and F. Gravot. A hybrid approach to intricate motion, manipulation and task planning. The Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 2009.
  2. G. Havur et al., Geometric rearrangement of multiple movable objects on cluttered surfaces: A hybrid reasoning approach, Proceedings of ICRA 2014.
  3. F. Lagriffoul, B. Andres, Combining Task and Motion Planning: a culprit detection problem, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2016.